Generational Archives Going Live on Instagram

Generational Archives Going Live on Instagram

To promote, Generational Archives, our new podcast, we will be going live on Instagram (@rainaleon) to talk about how we got our starts, developing questions to explore, why it’s important to start with yourself first, and that sometimes you have to look at the side view to get where you want to go. Check us out on Anchor here. You can also listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music. All times are EST.

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Generational Archives Is Going Live on Tiktok

Generational Archives Is Going Live on Tiktok

To promote, Generational Archives, our new podcast, we will be going live on TikTok(@RAINAJLEON) to talk about how we got our starts in genealogical research, how to develop questions to explore, why it’s important to start with yourself first, and that sometimes you have to look at the side view to get where you want to go. Check us out on Anchor here. You can also listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music. All times are EST.

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to Jun 18


JUNETEENTH FREEDOM CELEBRATION ACTIVITIES (partnership with StoryJoy, Inc. and East End United Community Center)

Thursday June 16, 2022-Walk Around Historic East End Includes:

(No Rain Date-Short Program Instead)

Playground of Champions-East End School

Lantz Funeral Home

Baker Alley & John Wesley AME Zion Church-Underground Railroad Route

African American Church Community

Clearview Cemetery-Final Resting Place for African Americans

Meet at East End United Community Center 5:00 Walk Begins at 5:30-7:30

150 Coolspring St. Uniontown, PA 15401

Friday, June 17, 2022-Fayette County African American Traveling History


East End United Community Center 1:30-4:30 pm

Saturday, June 18, 2022 -Fayette County African American Traveling History


East End United Community Center 1:00-5:00

Sunday, June 19, 2022-Juneteenth Recognition

John Wesley A.M.E. Zion Church Service 11:00 am

Flower Laying-Baker Alley After Church-Commemorating Freedom

Co-sponsored by Story Joy, Inc.

East End United Community Center-724-437-1660

John Wesley AME Zion Church

Dr. Norma D. Thomas Walking Tour Leader and Museum Curator

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At Home, On Air

At Home, On Air

At Home With Growing Older (AHWGO) is pleased to announce the next episode of At Home, On Air with Dr. Norma Thomas and Raina J. León. Norma and her daughter Raina are frequent collaborators. They recently put forth and co-wrote a piece about afro- and age-futurism in a recent issue of Generations. What can be learned from afro-futurism, which visualizes a future where people of African descent are liberated fully and integrally as part of society with full equity, for the concept of age-futurism? How can the effort of one movement support another? What would a future look like in the United States, where we do not pit people and generations against one another but integrate them? Norma and Raina are the perfect role model of bridging this divide.”

“Norma and her daughter Raina are frequent collaborators. They recently put forth and co-wrote a piece about afro- and age-futurism in a recent issue of Generations. What can be learned from afro-futurism, which visualizes a future where people of African descent are liberated fully and integrally as part of society with full equity, for the concept of age-futurism? How can the effort of one movement support another? What would a future look like in the United States, where we do not pit people and generations against one another but integrate them? Norma and Raina are the perfect role model of bridging this divide.”

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